Soup (Oakley 541589)
Soup (Oakley 541589)
- Sex: Female
- Date of Birth: May 17th, 2023
- View Pedigree (Printable PDF)
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- Sire: Blaze ABC 527386
- Dam: Hailey ABC 508965
- Owner: Hoffman Forest Acres
Blue Merle Female (with Red Factor) - ABCA Border Collie
Very loving and affectionate. The smartest dog I have ever owned. Her intelligence is human-like. Loves the ball. Eager to please, very high drive. Excels with agility and flyball. Loves people. Beautiful merle girl. Great off switch. VERY Obedient. Genetically Tested through PawPrints AND Embark. Because of Oakley's small size for a border collie, we wanted to test for 290+ genetic conditions to be sure there were no contributing factors. She is nearly genetically perfect!! Oakley will contribute very healthy babies to the Border Collie bloodline that will be smaller but mighty!
- Full Panel (Clear) PawPrints - PawPrints Health Cert Oakley Pdf
- Full Panel Embark DNA Test - Embark Genetic Testing Oakley
- GenSol DNA Test for NAD (Clear) Oakley GenSol Genetic Test for NAD
- OFA - Pending completion closer to the time of breeding