Military and Veterans 20% price reduction! 300$ deposit non-refundable, transferrable (placed on priority waitlist for next litter). We have had to raise prices slightly to account for inflation and a higher tax rates. Our goal is always health over profit and we will never waiver from that.

All electronic payments are to be made through Good Dog, Venmo, or Check made out to Hoffman Forest Acres LLC (We do not accept Cash). Checks must include the full amount, including the deposit, and must be cleared 3 days before taking possession of the puppy. it best to mail your check 10 days proir to the pickup date. IF you found us on GoodDog, we will also waive their finder fees for you... The prices below what you see is what you pay. 

Payment Link for Good Dog |  Payment Link for Venmo

Tax law for our jurisdiction requires us to collect a rate of 9.75% tax for the sale of an animal (classified as tangible property). This is included IN the purchase prices listed below and remitted to the State of Tennessee. All sales are to be concluded in the State of Tennessee, under the jurisdiction of Williamson County.

Our business license # is 0180296

Toy Australian Shepards

Pricing $2,300 - $3,300 USD

  • All pups are priced equally regardless of coat color, patterns (merle or non-merle), markings, size, or characteristics. We set the price of our puppies according to the cumulative costs associated with DNA testing, health care, nutrition, training and puppy culture. We strongly endorse the bloodlines of our dogs as well as conformation standards for ASDR. Our first priority is the continuous advancement of this remarkable and strategic breed; therefore, not all puppies will be listed as eligible for full registration to preserve a unique and fiercely bold bloodline. 
  • Full Registration (Eligible Pups Only) - $3300 (This means you have full rights to show and/or breed the dog)
  • Pet Only (Spay and Neuter Contract) - $2300

Border Collies

Pricing $2,000 - $2,300 USD

  • All pups are priced equally regardless of coat color, patterns (merle or non-merle), markings, size, or characteristics. We set the price of our puppies according to the cumulative costs associated with DNA testing, health care, nutrition, training and puppy culture. We strongly endorse the bloodlines of our dogs through the ABCA. Our first priority is the continuous advancement of this intelligent and agile breed; therefore, not all puppies will be listed as eligible for full registration to preserve the highest level of integrity and best characteristics of our bloodlines. We desire to preserve the herding instict of the Border Collie and their workaholic tendencies so they may be tried for agility, herding, and various other working endeavors that require intense focus and problem solving skills. We do not register with AKC for any type of conformation titles for our BCs, but you may do so if desired, with full registration rights. 
  • Full Registration (Eligible Pups Only) - $2,300 (This means you have full rights to show and/or breed the dog)
  • Pet Only (Spay and Neuter Contract) - $2,000