Winter (AA's You Can't Stop Winter)

Winter (AA's You Can't Stop Winter)

Winter is a fabulous laid back dog with a genuinely soft demeanor. She seeks attention from you as if there is no tomorrow. I have NEVER see a dog this calm before. She simply laid on the table at the vet's, not bothered one bit, not shaking at all, and completely content while getting shots, stool samples, and an exam at 9 weeks of age. At home she is lively, playful and exbibits no fear what so ever. She is curious. She loves the company of the other dogs and gets along with them remarkably well. They also love to play with her (especially chase me games). She is going to be super special and I am so excited to see her grow up and to share that experience with others on our social media platforms. You will simply be amazed by her beauty. She has it all. Looks and personality (and temperament). Thus far, she has demonstrated a very low drive. This could change to medium as she ages, but only time can tell with some of these things which of course is why we own all of our breeding dogs as beloved pets.

Full Panel Clear by Parentage -- HFA's Own full panel testing is currently underway.

GenSol Testing (for NAD) - HFA's Own full panel testing is currently underway.

All of our dogs have champion bloodlines, however, they not listed on the manual version of the one on our website because dog's titles constantly change. To verify, please contact ASDR directly and mention our dog's registered names. Numbers can be provided upon request only and an updated pedigree can be ordered.